We may be able to do less than we’d like about the dire circumstances of our world, but we can support resiliency and hope in those who were struggling before the pandemic and for whom home is not necessarily a “safe” place.

Colorado Gives Day is December 8th this year, and your donation will give light to a young person struggling to find their way, thanks to a FirstBank incentive fund and a matching donation of $2500!

…we can support resiliency and hope in those who were struggling before the pandemic and for whom home is not necessarily a “safe” place.

And our annual Celebration of Light Holiday Party will be virtual this year! Please join us Tuesday, December 8 at 7 pm on Facebook Live, YouTube and for an after party on Zoom (register here to get your links). We’ll have youth performances, music by long-time supporter and guest artist Kayla Marque, Theo A.J. Wilson will emcee and perform a poem, and there will be an online silent auction, door prizes and more!

And if you would rather give early, you can do that, too, by making sure the CO GIVES DAY button is selected when donating.

We could really use the support, this year in particular. Please help out with however much you are able! http://bit.ly/afacogivesday