Art from Ashes Annual Letter
Mid-November every year we mail out our annual letter, which contains an appeal, and also youth poems, testimonials and inspirational stories. Because we’re environmentalists, the only mailing we send are the annual letter and our thank you notes. If you’d like to be included, please fill out your address below, and many blessings for all the ways you celebrate the light of the holiday season.
Celebrating 20 years of Transformation
The world has changed so much since Art from Ashes began in 2003 and yet, in many ways, it remains the same. Youth are still disproportionately faced with challenges and uncertainties. Suicide is the leading cause of death for Colorado youth ages 15 to 19 and the second leading cause of death for youth
ages 20 to 24.
Youth who are struggling with dangerous or disheartening circumstances may feel they are alone or silenced. For these young people, consistency is important and for two decades, we have faithfully shown up for them, thanks to the steadfast support of our community.
In a time when it seems darkness is increasingly present, AfA’s programs reignite creativity, prompting youth to rediscover the light inside of them. At AfA we choose to be the ones who will listen—who will facilitate the opportunity for young people to experience their creative power in the face of helplessness—allowing them to see that their Phoenix will rise.
Since 2003, AfA has served 17,000 youth (and counting), partnering with more than 200 local youth-serving agencies and schools. In 2023 alone, we are on track to reach 500 youth in 200 workshops for nearly 1,000 youth contacts. Our workshops provide a unique environment and process for youth to express themselves, connect with their peers and caring adults, and
recognize their power to change their story. We know this works. We see it each time we read a youth poem and hear it each time a youth steps up to the mic. Survey results confirm what we already know.AfA recently went through a transformation of its own as Jessica Jarrard became the Executive Director of Art from Ashes. AfA’s founder and creator of the award-winning Phoenix Rising curriculum, Catherine O’Neill Thorn, is enjoying a well deserved retirement following decades of leadership and service to youth and our community. Jessica transitioned into the role after more than ten years of experience with AfA as a workshop participant, volunteer, and board member before joining the AfA staff as Director of Operations in 2019. Upon Catherine’s retirement, Jessica hit the ground running as Executive Director in the last quarter of 2022.
On November 9, 2023, Catherine and Jessica, along with our board, staff, past and present youth, facilitators, and guest artists, came together at our ’20 Years of Transformation’ event to commemorate the spark that ignited the agency and to recognize the light that has spread as a result of that spark. We celebrated, secure in the knowledge that Art from Ashes’ legacy will live on under the stewardship of our current Executive Director, staff, and board. We celebrated the unwavering support of our donors, volunteers, partners, and community.
Your continued support ensures our future and that the light will continue to burn bright as we head into our next 20 years. Your generosity allows us to continue to hold space for Colorado’s young people so that they know they are not alone.
Double your impact this season of giving. The WC and EJ Thornton Foundation and our board of directors have teamed up to match all donations up to $12,000! Whether you give $5 or $500, your impact is doubled.
Your gifts matter. Your generosity empowers youth to connect to their voice and transform their story. Let’s make sure our youth know they are not alone in their struggle.
Please donate now (
May this season of light find you at peace within yourself and may any struggles you are experiencing draw you toward the light of transformation.
In Gratitude,
Art from Ashes staff, facilitators, board members, and volunteers

“Art from Ashes saved my life in many ways. Poetry kept me alive, and the organization itself lit a fire in me to have the motivation to keep going.”

“Being with Art from Ashes has helped me a lot. It helps me express my emotions and clear my mind and get a lot of the stuff I want to say off my chest.”

“Art from Ashes made me realize I had a beautiful voice worth speaking to the world and encouraged me to use my voice to speak out for what’s right.”
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