On August 27th, AfA had a WONDERful time at our first annual Mad Hatter Tea Party! More than 20 guests fell down the rabbit hole with us to enjoy live music, youth poetry, whimsical decor, and a fanciest hat contest. Participants also got to savor delectable treats and delicious tea from our friends over at Drip Denver. Hats off to all who came out to our event!
Members of Steampunk not only loaned us most of the tea service, but donated some tea, as well!
AfA’s youth intern Hibaq Osman performed two poems: one of which is called “Paper Moon.”
Paper Moon
by Hibaq Osman, 17
Under the paper moon
She thinks she has the basics
But then a demon grabs her dreams
And makes a break for it
It’s a simple equation
Dreams and creation
I’m in love with the person I haven’t me
And that one place I’ve never lived
Please tell me how you can lead a life of 17 years and never live
Chained to a chain link fence
Woven by the hearts which you’ve torn from their place
It’s not a ‘whatever you think it is,’ darling It’s an arms race
And I swear, I scream at the top of my lungs
I swear
I will make a change to this world
I will change the voice of freedom
Bestow power amongst the girls
And I’ll make it to where color doesn’t matter
And race is just a four letter word
Where being queer is not weird
Where homophobia is absurd
Where society links arms with the misfit toys
And welcomes them to their island
Where the raped girl doesn’t cry when she sees her young boy
Because she wished his father’s actions didn’t define him
I swear
These faulty pieces do not define us
I swear the skies are so clear on the other side
I swear the sun will wake you up from this nightmare
And say “It’s okay honey, you don’t have to hide.
You’re absolutely fine right by my side”
Delicious Hearts and Spades sandwich cookies, courtesy of volunteer Lisa Schott Cheney-Philp