Virtual Prompts

Art from Ashes has been and will continue to offer young people a much-needed creative outlet…

Laura Peña Painting

Laura Peña Painting

Laura has committed to donate 50% of profits to AfA when you purchase anything from LauraPenaPainting through April.

Writing Prompt-Guest House

Set a timer for three minutes and write without thinking or editing until the time is up! Here’s a prompt to help you get started…

Noah Workshops

Noah workshops…get it? On top of a pandemic, our offices were flooded. So, yeah. Everyone’s working from home!

Dry Dock Brewery

Art from Ashes is the recipient of the generosity of Dry Dock Brewing Co. and the Brew Hut! Read more about Dry Dock’s community engagement…

Fury by Hayle

Read a wonderful poem written in only three minutes by Hayle, a 16-year-old creative genius at Endeavor Academy in Arapahoe County…

Celebration of Light Recap

The annual Celebration of Light at Art from Ashes was an evening full of sparkling lights, heart-warming performances, and even shinier words…

Colorado State Tax ReFund

Ever think you’d hear exciting news about your taxes? Well check that off your bucket list…Now you can legally get creative with your taxes!

Creative Time Farewell

Although we’re saying a fond farewell to our Thursday Creative Time, we have a plan to keep the art happenin’! Wanna know what it is?