An Easy Way to Put Your State Tax Refund Where Your Heart Is
Ever think you’d hear exciting news about your taxes? Well check that off your bucket list, because this year Coloradans can donate all or part of their state tax refund to support their favorite local nonprofits thanks to the new Donate to Colorado Nonprofit program.
To donate directly to Art from Ashes, look for the “Donate to a Colorado Nonprofit” line of your tax return or tax software, type in (or write if you’re old school) Art from Ashes Inc. and our easy to remember (okay, you may need a friend for this part) registration number: 20093007093. Then write in the amount you wish to donate. It’s as easy as that! And although taxes are kind of a required way to start the new year (depending on who you ask…), giving is an excellent choice to start the new year!
So buckle up and open up those tax software emails that have been gently nudging you to file for weeks and get your taxes done while making a difference.
To learn more, refer to the Colorado Department of Revenue – Taxation Division’s website or contact us:
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