Join us every First Friday for youth spoken word performances at the Art from Ashes new location just off the 10th and Osage light rail station between 6.30 and 7.30 pm.
Stop by in support of our community’s young people who participate in our Phoenix Rising youth empowerment program. Listen as they pour our their hearts and tell their stories in metaphor through poems written in 3-minutes.
Our wonderful guest performance artist this month is Kayla Marque!
ADDITIONALLY, this month we’re having a Rumble in the Jumble Rummage Sale! for more info, check out our Facebook event.
Visit our new space on the corner of 10th and Navajo on your way to the Art District on Santa Fe!
Much more than a public performance, youth gather at Art from Ashes at 4.30 for a FREE one-hour Phoenix Rising writing wordshop, followed at 5.30 by a FREE 45-minute performance workshop, featuring a local performance poet. All youth are welcome; pizza provided.
Contact MJ Smart, Director of Programs at Art from Ashes, for more information.
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