Our New Year Resolutions

IMG_9007The new year brings the spirit of renewal, and at Art from Ashes, we are excited to welcome 2016 by looking towards what we can do to be our best selves. That means making our resolutions about what we want to accomplish in 2016, and also making a conscious decision to leave the less productive parts of ourselves in 2015.

Here are some of the ways our fabulous staff is looking to better serve our youth, our community and, not least of all, themselves in 2016.

Executive Director Catherine O’Neill Thorn:
I resolve to establish AfA in communities outside of the Denver/Boulder area!
I release my own failures; I’m creating all kinds of new ones instead!

Board Vice President Lewis Lease

My goal is to bring in $6000 in corporate sponsorships in 2016.

Director of Programs Ashley Cornelius:
I resolve to increase contract sales, renew standing contracts, and secure a committed bank of facilitators to match increased contract sales.
I will release trying to figure everything out and trust that things will fall into place as they should.

Volunteer Coordinator Nadine Louis 
I resolve to increase volunteer retention through continual contact and expand methods of appreciation.
I will release my mental space from uncertainty and letting my creative, adventure goddess

Program  Manager Courtney Chandler
I resolve to bring amazing new creative ideas for AfA program expansion!
I will release doubt and fear that stand in the way of my strength, confidence, and personal growth.

This year, we are looking forward to continuing to grow, reaching more youth and making even deeper trenches within the community. We hope to be a part of your 2016 as well, whether that is through attending a workshop, making a donation or volunteering your time. Here’s to a great year!